Visual Supports
Monarch's Speech/Language Pathologists launched a new website replete with communication resources and materials that are intended to help parents and professionals during this time of distance learning and home instruction. We hope you find it useful! Please click here to access the website.
Monarch Center for Autism's visual language teaching Model leverages the strong visual processing abilities of children with autism. Each of our students receives individualized visual supports around three primary constructs: Visual Instruction (adapting instruction so it is presented visually); Visual Expression (using visuals to facilitate expressive communication); and Visual Organization (using visuals to organize activities and daily schedules).
The visuals we use at Monarch can easily be adapted for use in home, school and clinical settings. Below is an interactive bank of visual supports. Please search for visual supports by category and keyword, and feel free to download PDFs of the visuals, print them, customize them (if desired), and share them with others.